Pregnancy Yoga 

Lotus Bay Yoga is pleased to offer parents a pregnancy yoga class at Driftwood Living in Little Bay. A collaboration with registered yoga teacher and midwife Veronica Hegedush, yoga teacher & LBY founder Amy Weidlich along with registered nurse, doula and yoga teacher Megan Hunt. We also collaborate with yoga teacher Monika Mamrot. The practice is a beautiful combination of connecting with baby in the belly along with a gentle exploration of just what your body can do.

Monday Evenings 7.15pm & Friday Mornings 8am

Lotus Bay Yoga at Driftwood Living

1403 Anzac Pde Little Bay


Yoga is an essential way to celebrate the experience of becoming parents.

Yoga is an essential way to celebrate the experience of becoming parents.

It takes a community... of yoga teachers... to raise a pregnancy practice 

Lotus Bay Yoga is delighted to convene a yoga practice lead by Veronica Hegedus and accompanied by Amy Weidlich and Megan Hunt. Our team’s shared lineage includes Dr Jeff Miller, Melanie McLaughlin and Katie Manitsas. Amy was guided through her own pregnancy experiences with Nadine Richardson. Together our pregnancy yoga team bring their training and birth experiences to their shared philosophy, guiding the creation of Lotus Bay Yoga’s pre natal classes. Veronica, Megan, Amy and Monika collaborate on their shared approach which is designed to empower mothers to consider what their body truly needs during their pregnancy yoga experiences and beyond into their whole pregnancy experience. We believe a yoga practice is a wonderful way for women to build their confidence as they prepare for the changes ahead. It’s also a time to connect with other families also on their journey, as new parents begin to make connections and expand their community. Each month we also invite birth partners to join the pregnancy yoga practice.


Veronica Hegedus YT Midwife

Veronica is a gentle and insightful midwife and yoga teacher who is passionate about helping couples prepare for their newborns. Veronica is leading the Lotus Bay Yoga's pre natal yoga practice. 

Veronica is the mother of two grown up children and worked at the Royal Hospital for Women as a midwife for the past 27 years. 

Veronica completed her yoga teacher training with Dr Jeff Miller at Botannix Yoga and her pre and post natal teacher training with Kylie Hennessy.

Additionally she has run a post natal clinic at a Bondi Pharmacy for over 10 years and is excited to bring her significant experience of birthing to her yoga teaching credentials. 

Along with teaching pre natal yoga on Monday evenings with Lotus Bay Yoga, she also teaches one off courses for couples approaching the birthing time, in Randwick. 


Amy Weidlich YT

Amy is a soulful yoga teacher who loves to share yoga from the heart. Every day she feels honoured to witness the journey and adventures of her students on and off the yoga mat.

Many years ago in her life as a filmmaker, Amy found herself tasked to bring vitamins to a midwife in Bali, to give to local women. She took along her camera and what began as an epic trip to a little village off the beaten track, just south of Ubud, became a life changing friendship and connection with Ibu Robyn and the Bumi Sehat foundation in Nyu Kuning. Ibu (Mother) Robyn Lim has worked unwaveringly to bringing gentle births to the mothers of Bali and then Aceh and the Philippines. In between a frenetic media career, Amy would try to carve our time for her personal film projects, so she went back to Bali over a period of 8 years documenting Ibu Robyn's journey from a clinic above her kitchen - to a world famous birth centre that also mentors midwives from all around the world. Much of the time Amy spent learning about birth from Ibu Robyn was well before her own journey into motherhood. "It was a time of coming to understand my own path as a woman, so sitting with wise women like Ibu Robyn and inspiring Mums and Midwives in Nyu Kuning was like a rite of passage in some ways," says Amy   

A couple of years later, Amy's own journey as a mother inspired her interest in community building around pre and post natal times.

Amy and her husband Oliver went on the IVF journey when they were lucky enough to have their son Max, who is now a sparky six year old. Their path of assisted reproduction gives Amy an insight into this experience. She practiced yoga with SheBirths during her own pregnancy and thoughtfully created pre natal considerations during her mentorship training as a yoga teacher with Dr Jeff Miller. Amy has also completed a Pre Natal Pilates teacher training with Balance Moves (Renee Scott) in 2018 and Deborah Thomas APAM Physiotherapist (Women's Health). 

From the vital support of her original community mothers group in Bondi, Amy discovered how important those friendships were from that special newborn time, right through to today. 

A couple of years later, when she moved to Little Bay, Amy was delighted to connect with local friends and from there created the Little Bay Mummas and Pappas group on Facebook and in community. What started with 5 friends in the park, unexpectedly became a group of over 400 parents which Amy continues to administrate with a team of fellow volunteer Mummas who are also passionate about community connection. Well before embarking on her journey as a yoga teacher, Amy began to facilitate regular meet ups for parents of newborns in Little Bay on Tuesday mornings as an initiative of Little Bay Mummas, as her little way of sending out gratitude for all the friendship and support she had experienced as a new Mum. The simple idea of paying it forward from the heart, enabling others to make similar lasting friendships. Now, each year Amy with Little Bay Mummas, continues to convene informal mothers group meet ups for families with similar aged children. We also bring together the parents who practice our pregnancy yoga together in additional parent groups.

"Lotus Bay Yoga's pregnancy and post natal yoga offering is based on friendship. Collaborating originally with both Veronica and dear friend Monika Mamrot's extensive experience in this area of practice has been truly a joy. Now, as we welcome Megan Hunt and her perspective as a doula into our pregnancy yoga practice here in Little Bay we feel it continues to be an important and heart felt offering for our community."



Before commencing an exercise program we recommend checking with your doctor, midwife, GP or OBG for their advice. 

If you have any questions or wish to chat about your pregnancy yoga practice, please call Amy Weidlich on 0425332490.

We look forward to welcoming you into our yoga class at this special time in your life's journey. 


Here’s our location:

1403 Anzac Pde Little Bay inside homewares store Driftwood Living.